Edit a Discount Code
@csrf @method('PUT')
Discount Amount(%)*
Start Date(Optional)
End Date(Optional)
is_recurring == 1 ? 'checked' : '' }}>
Apply to recurring billing cycles(within the above validity timeframe if any).
Apply restrictions to access this code, or leave field blank:
Only allow the following email domains and/or email addresses.
@if ($emails = json_decode($discount->email)) @if (count($emails) > 0) @foreach (json_decode($discount->email) as $selectedEmail)
{{ $selectedEmail }}
@endforeach @endif @endif
status == 2) data-confirmation="Are you sure you want to Active this Discount Code?" @else data-confirmation="Are you sure you want to Inactive this Discount Code?" @endif data-discount_id="{{ $discount->id }}" data-close_link="{{ route('discounts.edit', ['id' => $discount->id]) }}">
{{ ($discount->status == 2) ? 'Active' : 'Inactive' }}
Code will not apply in the following payment period if paused or deleted.